Broker’s Jimmy Foreman was invited to attend NamesCon as a guest speaker alongside Krista Gable (Founder/CEO at DomainDomme) and Monte Cahn (President at RightOfTheDot). It was also an opportunity to rub shoulders with domaining royalty.

“There’s great value in adult-oriented names (and names that can be perceived as such),” states the NamesCon website. “But they’re very tricky to work with. Recently, the FOSTA and SESTA Acts in the United States have fundamentally altered the concept of “safe haven” in content hosting, which has upended how legitimate business in sex-tech is carried out. Explore the ins and outs of buying, selling, developing, and monetizing in this unique namespace.”

There was a notable amount of buzz and discussion amongst attendees at the show about non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Broker attended the much anticipated Right of the Dot domain auction. It was notable that most adult oriented domains did not fare well, boding an opportunity for buyers and adult industry vets who can pick up killer domains at a fraction of their value. It also illustrates the need for Broker’s Domain Marketplace, the largest in the adult industry.