Small Tubesite with Big Margins

Price $5,000.00

$12k Projected 2021 Revenues with 99% Profit Margin


  Site Information

  • Listed on September 28, 2021
  • Date Registered: March 1, 2020
  • Registrar: Enom
  • Monetization Methods: Advertising Sales
  • Platform: Wordpress


Business Overview

This little video tube website is earning big profits margins. Last year (2021) the property generated $10,621.11. The website uses embedded videos from third party larger tubes to reduce costs and remain legal.

With only annual expenses of $98.72 this property has a 99% profit margin! What? This is too good to be true. Read more.

This is an exclusive private listing. We have protected the seller’s websites from public disclosure. is the exclusive agent for the sale of this property, and all communication must be via our adult website brokerage.

To learn more about this property, please SignUp for an Account Here and Contact Us to request the Prospectus, ask any Questions, or to make a Purchase Offer.

Key Features

  • The website receives approximately 11,000 impressions per day (as of Dec 2020).
  • Pageviews in that 30-day period (ending Dec 9, 2020) was 342,741
  • 3:09 Average Session Duration
  • 30.57% Bounce rate
  • Most of my traffic is referral from other sites (mostly adult), and google.
  • Traffic has not been purchased to promote this website.


Why is it being Sold?

The website needs some work. Let me say it how it is – the website is a bit ugly. The design is pretty sloppy, and the Publisher wants to do something else with his time.  Think of this acquisition as “ugliest house in the best neighborhood” and ripe for redesign.


What is included in the sale?

  • Domain
  • Website
  • Knowledge Transfer (training and teaching how everything works)



Please contact us for additional detail.


Revenues & Expenses

This website is generating good revenues at a high profit margin.  The annual expenses are less than $100.

The revenue sources are standard affiliate programs including CrakRevenue, PopAds, and xHamster. The xHamster affiliate program has since closed. Revenue proofs are available to the Buyer.

Take a look at the revenues for 2021:

2021 Total $10,621.11

  • Dec 2021 $317.83
  • Nov 2021 $591.83
  • Oct 2021 $569.42
  • Sept 2021 $582.16
  • Aug 2021 $876.14
  • July 2021 $981.82
  • June 2021 $1,102.84
  • May 2021 $1,170.10
  • April 2021 $1,305.71
  • March 2021 $1,008.06
  • Feb 2021 $1,294.66
  • Jan 2021 $820.54

Note that $923.23 of these revenues are Revshare and the CrakRevenue account is not included in the sale. The Buyer will need another account and these revenues should be considered not included as well.

Please contact us for additional detail.


Click “Buy Now” to contact us if you are interested.

sold graphic

*Public asking price. Actual sale price is subject to non-disclosure.